Little Biddy Gin Port Cask Aged 700ml
Little Biddy Gin – Cask Aged (Port) rests in a rich and flavourful oak cask emerging a rich and autumnal gold.
Created in honour of Reefton legend Little Biddy, a gin-toting, 4 foot tall gold prospector. Our search for native botanicals takes us deep into the same West Coast rainforest where Biddy once fossicked for gold, to craft a uniquely New Zealand selection of small batch distilled gins with attitude.
Inbued with notes of rich, spiced fruit cake and maple, complemented by citrus and finished with warming clove and cinnamon, we have elevated the native flavours that our botanicals have granted this gin, taking the Little Biddy Gin experience to the loftiest heights of the West Coast rainforest.
Serving Suggestion: Neat or over a large ice cube in your favourite glass.
Presented in an elegant, premium presentation box, ideal for gifting.
Limited to 343 bottles