McConnell's 5 Year Old Irish Whisky Sherry Cask Finish Whiskey 700ml
Blended Irish Whiskey
A five-year-old sherry-finished whisky from the Belfast-based McConnell's brand. The whisky is a blend of Irish malt and Irish single grain whisky which is first aged in first-fill bourbon barrels, before a period of around six months in sherry casks.
McConnell's started life in Belfast in the 1800s, eventually opening its own distillery. The resurrected brand hopes to bring distilling back to the city one day.
Nose: Dried Figs and currants followed by Christmas spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon, dark chocolate, and a hint of fresh leather.
Palate: Demerara sugar, dark ripe cherries and black raspberry followed by bitter dark chocolate shavings and rich red apples.
Finish: Lingering oak notes, with a hint of leather and subtle clove spice.