Peaked Organic Pinot Noir Vodka 700ml
Peaked Organic Pinot Noir Vodka is handcrafted and small batch distilled in Queenstown, New Zealand at Peaked Distillery using pure water sourced from a mountain reservoir and fresh, Central Otago Pinot Noir grapes from down the road. The fusion of Peaked Organic Vodka and Pinot Noir grapes creates flavours of plum, sweet cherry and a hint of spice. A versatile spirit which works well in your favourite cocktail, with soda or for sipping neat.
Peaked Distillery is a small, family owned and operated, craft vodka distillery based in the Southern Alps at Queenstown, New Zealand. The Master Distiller, Elliot Munn, studied Food Technology with honours before deciding to follow his dream to become a distiller. Working together with his wife, Ashley, they turned their dream of making premium spirits using only organic and locally foraged ingredients into a reality. Simply, the team at Peaked believe high quality ingredients make for high quality spirits.