Pink & White Pink Gin 750ml
Pink gin originally drew its name from the bitters added to Navy Gin. Our variety is a more modern citrus twist with strong berry fruit flavours - Blueberries and Raspberries. Perfect with a dry lemonade, soda or your favourite tonic.
Silver for Pink
It picked up a Silver Award - in the top 30 of entries.
Geothermal Gin
Rotorua has welcomed people to it's warm heart and geothermal wonders for centuries. Hosting is our history. Geysers, mud pools and cascades featured in New Zealand's first tourism boom in the Victorian Age and many travelers came from far and wide.
We are on a journey to create a gin with geothermal provenance - utilising heat from the ground passed through a still.
With volcanic filtered pure waters, flavours of pine from the Whakarewarewa forest, deep lakes and a lemon from Rangi's Lot. Our White Gin is the classic London Dry - juniper forward with traditional notes. Paired best with a sparkling tonic.
Our Pink Gin combines Raspberries and Blueberries for a more flavourful mixer - matches equally well with a tonic or dry lemonade .