Hayman's Sloe Gin Liqueur 700ml
Alcohol content : 26 %
Hayman's Sloe Gin is a traditional English liqueur made to a long standing family recipe that had previously only been available for private use.
Carefully selected wild English grown sloe berries are gently steeped for several months with Hayman's Gin before being blended with natural sugar creating a rich ruby red liqueur with smooth and intense bitter sweet fruit flavours.
Sloe Berries, a type of wild plum, are the fruit of the blackthorn tree which is native to Europe and traditionally harvested in the autumn ideally after the first frosts.
Sloe Gin was a popular drink alongside other fruit gins from the 19th century onwards. Traditionally sipped as a digestif and as a winter warmer at outside sporting events, today it is still enjoyed on its own, over ice or as a long drink. It was also an important ingredient in the first cocktail era of the late 19th and early 20th century.