Nikka Miyagikyo Single Malt Japanese Whisky 700ml
Located in the valley of Miyagi, a region in the north of Japan’s Honshu island known for its pure air and the quality of its natural springs, the Miyagikyo distillery produces a refined malt whisky with a signature fruity and floral freshness.
The single malt Miyagikyo bottling represents the perfect expression of the distillery’s delicate character, with an emphasis on ex-sherry casks for maturation to bring added depth to this whisky’s natural charm.
Nose: Full-flavoured, rich. Iris, malted barley, exotic fruit (banana), liquorice and camphor.
Burnt wood, flowers and beeswax.
Palate: Firm, lively and elegant. Malted barley, liquorice, spices (ginger, cinnamon), chocolate and herbaceous notes. Fresh tobacco leaves and coconut.
Finish: Long, soft. Wilted roses, tangy notes (lemon, grapefruit), tobacco, spices (cardamom, ginger), toasted nuts, stewed fruits (apple, damson) and exotic aromas (lychee).