Pickerings 1947 Gin 700ml
Summerhall Distillery was founded in 2013 by Marcus Pickering and Matthew Gammell. Their ethos? If you can't find what you want, make it yourself. It is this mantra which led the duo to build Edinburgh's first exclusive gin distillery for over 150 year.
The distillery is located in the heart of Edinburgh, in a building which once served as a Veterinary School. It is here, in the former animal kennels, that Pickering's Gins are distilled, bottle, labeled, waxed and shipped.
This edition is made precisely to Pickering's original recipe, as it was written down in Mount Mary, Bombay, in 1947. Here the botanical mix includes cinnamon, which adds a decidedly warming and spicy kick to the spirit. Spicier, sweeter and more intense, it’s a decadent trip back to the last days of the Raj. Cardamom, coriander, clove and cinnamon spice lead to a crisp, refreshing and long finish.
Volume: 700ml ABV: 42%
Country: Scotland