Tamdhu 18 Year Old Whisky 700ml
Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Tamdhu only matures in the finest Oloroso Seasoned Sherry Casks sourced from Spain, so when a small selection of these fine casks came of age, the time was right for the distillery to bring them together to craft a very limited 18-Year-Old release.
This scarce wood bears two great gifts: colour and taste. Tamdhu 18 Year Old’s deep copper hue is developed by the cask, nothing more – and each drop owes its rich, complex taste to its home of over a decade and a half.
Tamdhu 18 Year Old is bottled un-chillfiltered. A magnificent Speyside Single Malt for the sherry wood connoisseur.
46.8% abv
Nose: Dry nutty sherry, cherry, milk chocolate, rum raisin, citrus, baked oats and plum.
Palate: Sherry notes are rich, complex and mouthcoating with vanilla, brown sugar, red apple and dried fruits.
Finish: Long and warming, dried apricot and dates, soft spice and stewed apple.