Brecon Botanicals Gin 700ml
Made from recipe combining a specially selected range of botanicals from the four corners of the world, the best pure grain spirit, and water from the Brecon Beacons National Park, this super-premium gin is crisp, clean and exceptionally smooth.
The nose is a rich complex of fresh juniper, followed quickly by coriander and a complexity of gin flavours. Hints of citrus mingle with oriental spices. On adding a mixer, the citrus, lemon, orange – and even bergamot – open out, as do hints of cinnamon, cloves and even saffron. A medium-length finish leaves you ready for the next mouthful.
Serving Suggestion: Try this gin with fresh mint and cucumber ice cubes for a sublime and premium experience.
2020 Spirits Business Global Gin Masters – Silver
2018 World Gin Masters – Super Premium Category Gold
2017 Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial- Gold
2017 Gin Guide People’s Choice Award