Jatt Life Ultra Premium Vodka 700ml
Jatt Life Vodka is crafted from the finest French grain and manufactured with meticulous attention to detail.
Every element has been designed, developed and distilled to the most rigorous standards.
We don’t settle for anything less than the best. 5 times distilled; it is not just premium, it is ultra premium. It is both smooth and luxurious.
Certainly, this is no bottle to hide away. Instead it is designed, marketed, and produced specifically for life on the top shelf.
Enjoy and encounter the incomparable distinct signature taste of our Jatt Life vodka straight on the rocks, in a cocktail or with your favourite mixer, to experience what we believe is the best tasting vodka in the world.
Everytime a person opens a bottle of Jatt Life Vodka, it feels special and we are very proud of that. The smooth top shelf vodka is a big hit with spirit-lovers. Customers adore both the artistic and eye-catching label design and the smooth taste of the vodka itself. It makes a wonderful drink for parties and impressing guests, but it is also the perfect piece for those with a taste for premium high-end vodka.
Jatt life vodka is for those who want nothing but the best over the rest.